Staffed by Fishermen - For Fishermen - Cape Cod's Premier Outfitter! We are The GOOSE HUMMOCK - Questions?? Call us at 1-508-255-0455

  • Saltwater Fishing

    Let us outfit you with the best fishing tackle! Playing the ultimate Tug-of-War with a Volkswagen sized Tuna, or tickling the flats with Finesse gear for Albies...WE HAVE YOU COVERED! WIth the biggest selection of the best fishing tackle!

  • Featured NEW BAIT

    The JLC XIPI EVO may be the most realistic squid jig every created. Whether Deadsticked, Jigged, or Cast and retrieved. These baits get down fast and stay down. Fished Day or Night - In gin clear waters or dragged along turbid bottoms. You need to add this to your arsenal! Available in 3 colors and 7 weights ranging from 60 - 220 Grams

  • Freshwater Fishing

    Cape Cod has over 300 fishable ponds, some of which are home to some of the biggest largemouth bass and smallmouth bass in the country! Gin clear, sandy bottomed kettle ponds, choked with grass add to the challenge. Our focused selection is geared to meet our challenging waters and big fish potential.

  • Fly Fishing

    This photo was taken in our back yard - The Brewster Flats. Cape Cod's Crown jewel fishery is known worldwide for it's amazing gin clear skinny water striped bass fishery. Imagine Florida Keys Flats bonefish only Striped bass and less heat and humidity. Check out our amazing selection of Fly fishing rods and reels along with our world class fly tying department. Then visit us out on the Cape for a world class flats experience!


Our best selling reel!

Which minnow plug best suits you?

From dive depth to long cast technology, pick and choose what works for you.

A table comparing the facets of 3 products
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From $ 9.99 $ 10.99
$ 9.99 $ 12.99
DescriptionThe Daiwa Salt Pro Minnow was designed to catch a wide variety of game fish and has grown popularity. The Salt Pro Minnow is a long casting bait designed for a fast, ripping style retrieve that produces an erratic... The Hydro Minnow LC will be available in two different sizes: 6” and 6-3/4” and will also be available in 10 time tested and proven colors to cover an array of fishing situations from casting to stripers from... These life like hybrids dive between 6-24 inches and have a tight wiggle to attract predatory fish. They're a full 6 inches in length and have shifting weights to allow for distance casting. They also have a weight...